About us
Academia Salensis was founded in 2004. The scientific supervisor and generator of ideas is habil. dr. Axel Holvoet, distinguished professor of Vilnius University.
The activities of the association cover research, enhancement of public awareness, promotion of the areal culture and art,
development of links between culture and business, fostering of international links between culture/art and business.
The members of the Association of Academia Salensis include linguists from both Lithuania and foreign countries. At present the Association has 32 regular members and 12 members of honour.
The management bodies of the association are: the General Meeting of Members, the Board as the collective body of management (the board consists of 7 members elected by the General Meeting of Members for a one year term of office), and the Director as the single-person management body (who is elected by the General Meeting of Members for a three year term of office).
At present the Board of the Association consists of:
assoc. prof. dr. Vaiva Žeimantienė, the Chairperson of the Association, and members: prof. habil. dr. Axel Holvoet, dr. Gina Kavaliūnaitė-Holvoet, prof. dr. Inesa Šeškauskienė, prof. dr. Jurgis Pakerys, dr. Erika Jasionytė-Mikučionienė and Jūratė Žukauskaitė.